One should never have to sacrifice health for beauty.
Bobbie Lynn's Lip 'n Skin was born out of a desire to provide my family with the cleanest skin care Mother Nature could provide. After 30 years in the professional skin and hair care industry I decided to change my ways. I cut out most synthetic chemicals that we’ve all become so accustomed to putting on our body’s largest organ and I started from scratch. Imagine that…
The results have been a line of face and body care products that I’ve become quite proud of but more importantly that I love slathering on because I know it’s nothing but good stuff for my skin. I’m confident giving them to people I love, and quite frankly I just feel better about it going down my drain. We raise our own goats and honey bees and I’ve incorporated goat milk and raw honey into some of my soaps. Ive formulated a line of emul oil facial products that will knock your socks off, not to mention some wrinkles. We also carry a vegan friendly line, watch for our vegan face line as it unfolds. Compare my ingredient list to any product out there, mine will make the short list…’s good to make the short list ;)
This page is dedicated to clean products, a respect for Mother Nature, and a little bit of Rock n Roll.
I can’t help it.
International Chic with a Québécois Touch.
After years of practice, Romy has found that gently taming and suggesting shape yields the most elegant results. Even when she started small with wallets back in 1987, she always matched her meticulousness with curiosity. Travelling around the globe, she has studied various techniques and designs that have helped her cultivate a singular yet international style. Today, she has a few apprentices of her own and spends most of her time crafting with them in her Montréal studio. She still makes time to learn new techniques and exhibits at tradeshows all around the world.
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